From Our Home to Yours :)

“Grandma, I need more icing!” “Grandma, can you help me?” “Do you have pretzels, Grandma?” “And do you have green food coloring?” And so the chattering went as our 11 grandchildren were decorating their gingerbread houses! This is an annual tradition that we started about 5 years ago, and they look forward to it every year. Even our older grands still love coming, which warms this grandma’s heart! ( I think the gift card prizes add some “spice” for the older ones!) I love to see how creative they are with decorating their houses that my hubby prepared for them. (He hot glues them together, so they have a sturdy house to decorate!)
Traditionally, we have a new pair of Christmas pajamas for each one that makes a great picture…after we get everyone settled! Lol! Following pictures, we began the evening with a chili bar I made. It was a big hit this year, all but my homemade cornbread muffins that they were not a fan of. You never know! Hahaha!
We ended the night with a movie, popcorn, and a sleepover! I treasure these times as we laugh, sing, act silly and have so much fun together! This grandma & grandpa’s “love tanks” were full and our bodies were beat, but it was all worth it!
I also managed to throw in a day of baking cookies with my granddaughters! We had so much fun baking, singing and toping it off by seeing a show at American Music Theatre! What another fun day of making memories!
At Cavod, we were thriving too with 3 weekends of shows this month! We kicked off the holiday season with two weekends of The Sound of Music and the third weekend was “Wonder, our very own Christmas ballet….created, directed and choreographed by our own Stephanie Morales! Such a beautiful show that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas!
As you may know, Cavod is a non-profit and would not exist without support from families, friends, partners, business owners, etc. Would you prayerfully consider giving a year-end donation to Cavod? It takes a village to bring the arts to this community, in a way that values each person and brings glory to the Lord through the arts! Every gift is important, no matter how small or large! CLICK HERE if you desire to give online, or mail a check to Cavod 665 West Main St., New Holland, PA 17557. ALL gifts are tax-deductible! Thank you! Thank you in advance!
Everyone is excited and ready for our two-week break for the holidays at Cavod, to spend time with family and friends! My prayer is that we all would experience the depth of what it means for Jesus to be born! That it’s not just the commercialism of Christmas…oh yes, even the world sings of His birth…in the malls, the stores, you hear songs like “Silent Night,” “The First Noel”…but do they really know His love and understand what this means??!!! A Savior? For me? For you? So that we can worship Him, and experience His GREAT LOVE AND SALVATION!! May this hit our souls deeper this year than ever!….just as Mary said in Luke 1:46-47!
“My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His name!
And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation.”
Prayer: “Oh Lord…we reach out to you with grateful hearts, for your love, comfort, grace and peace during this holiday season! “Mark” our hearts Lord, change us oh God, so we can see you do great and mighty things, in and through us…in our families, communities and on the earth! We love you Jesus, and we are truly thankful for your birth and salvation! In Jesus Name, Amen!”
Dear friends, may this be your best Christmas ever! May you experience Jesus and know Him in a greater way, and may you have a wonderful and amazing Christmas!
Much love to you all!
Executive Director