Citylight Dance Theatre is performing a brand new show "Out of Darkness Into Light" on Feb. 1st & 2nd! Purchase Tickets Here!


2024-2025 Tuition Schedule

Acrobatics | Acting & Theatre | Dance | Hand-to-Hand Combat | Music Lessons (Private)

Dance / Acrobatics / Acting / Hand-to-Hand Combat / Musical Theatre/Group Music Classes

Class hours per student per weekAnnual TuitionAnnual Tuition With 5% discount (if paid by Aug 15)Bi-Annual Tuition With 3% discount (if paid by Aug 15 & Feb 1)10 Monthly Installments *   Addtl fee for Acro- see below
45 min.70066534070
(2) 45 min. classes11801121572118
(3) 45 min. classes14601387708146
1 hr.75071336475
1.25 hrs. – 1.50 hrs.99094148099
1.75 hrs. – 2 hrs.12801216621128
2.25 hrs. – 2.50 hrs.15401463747154
2.75 hrs. -3 hrs.18001710873180
3.25 hrs. – 3.5 hrs.20401938989204
3.75 hrs. – 4 hrs.225021381091225
4.25 hrs. – 4.5 hrs.247023471198247
4.75 hrs. – 5 hrs.271025751314271
5.25 hrs. – 5.5 hrs.295028131431295

*Acro Fees: For this specialty class, there will be an additional fee of $10/month (45 min classes) or $15/month (one hour+ classes).

2024-2025 School Year begins August 26, 2024 and ends June 5, 2025.

Registration Fee is $35.00 per person (maximum of $105 per family). This will automatically be charged to your card upon registration. You can pay the tuition portion anytime up until the due date.

Tuition Fees are based on an annual tuition fee and divided into equal monthly installments (Aug/Sept – June) for your convenience. Monthly fees are not based on the number of classes per month.

Risk-Free Registration: REGISTER and pay. ATTEND the first class after your registration. TELL US if you don’t love it after you’ve taken your first class (must be before the next class) and we will refund your payment and unenroll your student.

Drop-in Classes are $20 per class.

Private Dance Lessons are available for $35 per half hour, Private Acrobatics Lessons are $40 per half hour

Required Class Dress Code: Dance, Acrobatics, and Hand to Hand Combat classes have a required dress code for every class. Please see the dress code document for details.

Dance Concert Costume Fees are $70-$95 per DANCE class. $40 per class deposit is due by October 31, 2024 and the remaining balance is due by November 26, 2024.

Payment Policies:

  • Monthly membership is 10 equal monthly installments. Your first monthly payment must be paid in full by August 15th for summer registrations and by the first class for later registrations. Subsequent payments are due the 1st of the month – through June.
  • All costume & tuition fees are non-refundable, regardless of membership type.
  • Dropping a class requires a 30-day written notice emailed to You will be responsible for payment for that 30-day period. There are no refunds given, but you may transfer payments to another class or camp in the same fiscal year.
  • There will be a $20 declined card fee for declined cards on auto-pay for school year tuition payments. Please keep your card up to date.
  • You must call the office to update any credit card information.
  • There will be a $20 late fee for monthly tuition not paid by the 10th of the month and Cavod will charge your card on file automatically at that time.

Private Music Lessons

2024-2025 Tuition Schedule & Policies

Voice / Guitar / Drums / Piano

2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR begins August 26, 2024 and ends June 5, 2025. There will be a recital performance on Saturday, May 31, 2025. The recital fee is $40 per student and will be added to your annual tuition. This fee covers instrument rental and time for the teachers and technicians who make the recital possible and is for everyone who is a part of the music program, even if not performing.

REGISTRATION FEE is $35.00 per student for the year (Maximum of $105 per family). Register at

PAYMENTS: Students pay a set annual amount which reserves their lesson time. Payments can be broken down into equal monthly installments for your convenience. Payments are not calculated per lesson – the annual fee is reserving your time slot in the teacher’s schedule. Therefore, no credits or refunds will be given.

 TuitionRecital FeeTotal Annual amountAnnual payment with 5% Discount if paid by Aug 152 Bi-Annual payments with 3% Discount if paid by Aug 15 and Feb 110 Monthly installments
30-minute lesson once a week12454012851221623129
A la Carte Lesson per half hour35     

Payment is due on the first of each month.  After the 10th day if not paid, a $20 late fee will be applied. Cavod reserves the right to charge your card automatically if payment is not made by the 10th of the month. It is your responsibility to call the office to update any credit card information. There is a $20 declined card fee for declined cards set to autopay.

YOUR LESSON TIME is reserved for you every week, whether you use it or not. Virtual lessons are an option if the student is not feeling well.

MISSED LESSONS: If the teacher or Cavod must cancel a lesson, a make-up opportunity will be offered. If the student cancels, a maximum of two lessons for the year are eligible for a make-up opportunity at the family’s request, dependent on teacher availability. If the student can’t attend the make-up opportunity, the lessons are forfeited. All cancellations must be communicated through the office.

DROPPING LESSONS: If you must drop lessons, a 30-day written notice to is required. You will still be responsible for payment through the 30-day period if you are paying monthly. No refunds will be given for tuition already paid.

PRACTICE:  Please treat practicing like other homework. Learning new skills is best served through consistency! Remember this is a training process that is built by consistent effort over time. Unprepared lessons cost the same as prepared ones, but their value is substantially compromised.

A well-prepared lesson is a delightful experience!


call us at (717) 354-3355

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