Scrolling, Thankful & Breakthrough!

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling on social media? I formed a bad habit of scrolling in the morning before getting out of bed, during the day at times, and the last thing before I turned my light off at night. It was taking so much of my time and making me frustrated with what some people were saying and commenting! It was bringing me down and a terrible distraction. I heard someone say, “Scrolling mindlessly is self-imposed depression.” It is so true!

The Lord reminded me of these verses in Hebrews 12:1b-2

“Let us strip off every weight that slows us down,

especially the sin that so easily trips us up.

And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”

Is this really sin? For me, yes…if it keeps me from renewing my mind and running the race God has called me to. Social media can be fun, and a great way to catch up with friends when used properly.

Recently, I felt compelled to do the following to break my habit and, yes…. maybe addiction (that sounds awful).

  • No social media an hour after waking up and an hour before going to sleep.
  • Fast one day a week from social media of any kind.
  • I will not spend more time on social media than I do with reading my Bible and spending time with the Lord.

I don’t always succeed in all of this, but it’s a great guide and has caused me to surrender, put my phone down, pick up a good book, or just sit quietly. It’s been a good challenge!

Another great way of getting away from my phone is spending time with our grandchildren and my hubby.  This past weekend we were camping for 5 days, with the grands coming for a few days. We had so much fun, spent quality time together and spent time relaxing and reflecting on the goodness of God. That is always so refreshing for me!

Children at a water park while others are hanging out in a hammock

Children sitting in a golf cart at a campground

Connie Dienner camping with her family

I am always excited to come home with a fresh perspective! Our Cavod family makes it all worth it! This Saturday, June 1st our music students perform at Cavod Theatre. There will be 3 different recitals, including drums, piano, guitar, and voice!  We are so proud of them and look forward to celebrating their hard work!

In addition, our theatre, hand-to-hand combat, and tumbling classes are preparing for their end-of-the-year showcases coming up from June 3rd through June 6th!

We will then close out the year with our Spring Dance Concert at Warwick High School: one recital on Friday, June 14th, and 2 on Saturday, June 15th!  We have absolutely the best teachers and amazing students!!

Poster for Cavod Performing Arts' 2024 Spring Dance Concert

It is a community effort and we couldn’t do it without all of our sponsors and those who donate! Every donation counts and makes it possible to have beautiful facilities, amazing teachers, and affordable tuition! Together, we can empower this generation by speaking positively over them, praying for them, valuing them, and seeing God work in their lives!

Prayer – “Lord Jesus, forgive us where we have not given you first place in our lives and where we have been influenced negatively by the world around us! Help us, Lord, to “run this race” with endurance and be intentional in all that we do! WE BELIEVE this generation will serve You and rise up and make a difference! Amen.”

Grab a cup of coffee, my friend, and enjoy the moment! Life is too short to complain and murmur. We have so much to be thankful for in this great, imperfect country called America! I am so grateful for all of those who gave their lives for our freedom today.

Praise brings breakthroughs, and yours is today!

Much love,

Connie Dienner

Executive Director

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