Come see the inspiring story of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" from Feb. 28th to March 9th! Purchase Tickets Here!

My Happy Place!

The beach is my happy place! Dave & I were in Ocean City, MD for rest, fresh vision, and time alone. There is something about the waves and the vastness of the ocean, that renews my spirit and love for God! We had a glorious time! Self-care is so important, to keep us healthy and from drifting from the mission and calling on our lives. I heard a minister say, “Routine Christianity without surrender is dead religion”.  The enemy doesn’t care if we are Christians, but if he can keep us so busy that we don’t’ have time to spend with our Heavenly Father, and “refuel” he’s satisfied. Eventually this leads to anxiety and burn out, and we wonder where God is. I know, because I have been there, and need to guard my heart on a daily basis. 

Connie on on the beach with her husband
A photo of the surf, with mid sized waves crashing on the shore

We came home just in time for Cavod’s open house on Saturday. We had a record turnout, of about 400-500 people that came out to this community event! Face painting, tours, performances, Lickity Split ice cream, free food, and a bounce house were just a few of the highlights of this wonderful event! Lisa Landis was live with WJTL and Kids Cookie Break! Cat & the Hat was spotted, hanging out at the front desk. Such a lovely time seeing the Cavod Family, and new friends too!

If you missed this one, stay posted on events at Cavod by signing up for our newsletter!

Cookie Break was present at Cavod's Open House in New Holland, PA
A man dressed as Cat in the Hat at Cavod's open house event
The cookie mobile, was also parked in front of Cavod Performing Arts in New Holland, Pa during the open house event

I have been so blessed this past week, as over 100 kids for 3 different camps were happening at Cavod! The “Stars In Space” Camp kids are learning about the vastness and goodness of God; through worship, Bible stories, dance, gymnastics and art.

“Stars In Space” Camp kids and counselors posing for a photo in the dance studio
“Stars In Space” Camp kids sitting at a table

At the same time, in the theatre, we have our Seussical Jr. camp; worshipping, small groups, singing, and blocking to put up an amazing show this weekend, July 23rd & 24th. We have such a talented cast, with costumes, professional lighting and music. This is a fun show for the whole family! Click on the graphics below for ticket information! JUST MENTION,  “I READ COFFEE WITH CONNIE EMAILS” AT CONCESSIONS, FOR A FREE LARGE POPCORN AT THE SEUSSICAL SHOWS ONLY

Suessical Jr. Camp dancers, and participants in the production
Costumed members of Cavod's portrayal of the Suessical Jr. Camp play.

I am in tears, as I see the kids being taught by our dedicated staff….to worship our creator, find their true identity in Jesus, and have fun doing it! What a privilege to serve the Lord in the ministry of Cavod, and touch so many lives! 

Prayer – “Lord Jesus…thank you for being our redeemer, who gives us life, hope and peace! Please help us to take time to read your word, and to be refreshed. You are there for us, and bring us true and lasting joy! In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Inspirational poster that categorizes two columns of verbs, one with a positive connotation categorized as God's Voice, and the opposite, as Satan's Voice.

Slow down, my friends! Grab a cup of coffee and take a few deep breaths. Release any tension you’re carrying. Give yourself permission to simply be with God and enjoy His presence! If your mind wonders during this quiet time…no worries! Just have a notebook to write your “to do’s” that distract you, and bring yourself back into His presence. It is so so refreshing.

Have a great week! Love to you all!

Connie Dienner

Executive Director

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