Wait… my soul!

Homeschooling, cooking, running grandkids to dance and football was my life for a week! Our daughter Tahnya &
son-in-law Rich were celebrating their 20th anniversary in the Bahamas, and we had their children for 7 days. I have more respect than ever for them, as they raise their 9 beautiful children! I understand why God designed us to have kids when we are younger! LOL! I was exhausted, and my “love tank” was full by the end of the week!
We took them to see “David” at Sight and Sound! This was so much fun, and they loved it! Our 2 oldest grandsons,Micah age 16 & Jeremiah age17 wanted to come along too. That blessed this grandma to the moon and back! LOL!
Our other 2 grands from our Son Derek & wife Ashley, joined us for Friday & Saturday, for a trip to Cherry Crest Farms. What’s 2 more, right?   We made lots of memories…tiny houses, slides, pig race, donuts & apple cider and flashlight corn maze were a few of the highlights! We came home at 10:00pm and crashed…just in time to watch the end of the Phillies game with my hubby! LOL! These precious kids, were the therapy I needed!
Reality kicked in quickly, as I came back to Cavod last week. My staff did not miss a “beat “while I was away! We have the best leaders, teachers and volunteers ever…who carry the heartbeat and culture of this ministry! They are absolutely amazing! I am so thankful for each of them, and what they bring to Cavod!
Another huge part of this movement in the arts, is YOU! If you have made it this far in my email, you are a supporter! LOL! Your encouragement, prayers, financial support and belief in this ministry, is humbling and overwhelming! THANK YOU!!
We have another event that is quickly approaching…Cavod’s Day of ThanksGIVING, on November 18th from 12:00am-12:00 midnight!! See the graphics below for more details. I would like to invite you to prayerfully consider giving financially that day to help us reach our fundraising goal of $80,000! You can give online at cavod.org, or in person at our facilities, or by mailing a check to our address below. We will celebrate at Cavod Theatre that evening, with a night of ThanksGIVING for all that God has done!
TOGETHER, we can make a difference in the lives of so many!! Testimonies coming soon!!
Prayer – “Thank you Lord, that we still live in a land of opportunity, and freedom! May we live according to your Word, applying your promises to our lives in every situation. Be with my friends this week, as they pursue their dreams and what you have created for them to do. We love you Lord, Amen.”
“They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings, and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 Take a few moments this morning to wait quietly on the Lord! Your to do list can wait for a bit.
Breathe deeply, and inhale the presence of God, and exhale any anxiety or troubles that you are carrying! There is rest and peace for those who wait, and I think that means with a cup of coffee!
Have a wonderful, faith filled week, my friends!
Much love,
Connie Dienner
Executive Director / Founder

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