From Barn to Stage

If you don’t know where you’re going, you will need clear directions, a map, or a GPS. I remember my dad pulling out a thick atlas filled with maps when we would go on vacation. And if my mom, his navigator, wasn’t paying attention we would miss the road and then have a challenge to get back on course. Today, we have a GPS that guides us to our destination. Occasionally, it says, “re-route” and you need to take a different route.
The last 20 years at Cavod have been a journey for sure. The Lord gave me a clear instruction, in January of 2004, to start an academy of the arts that would lead with dance, then theatre and music. The short version is that God arrested me by severing everything in my life and putting me in a place of brokenness where I didn’t know what to do, but cry out to God! Through that surrender, Cavod was born. I had no idea what I was doing, but through His guidance, He led me each step of the way.
We started the 2004/2005 school year in August of 2004, on Welsh Mountain in Gap, PA… in a barn of 800 sq. ft., in a studio with a pole in the middle, a wood stove, and a port-a-potty as it was too expensive for plumbing! LOL! The Lord says… do not despise small beginnings… God led us each step of the way. Sometimes we took “detours” that actually took us longer. There were “traffic jams” and rerouting that occurred many times, but we persevered.
If you haven’t heard, we are celebrating 20 years! This Saturday, February 8th, we would be honored to have you join us for the “Lifetime Tour”, where we are celebrating all that God has done! You will receive a passport as you enter to visit twelve exhibits that track the milestones, buildings, and ministries along the way! There are party favors at each exhibit on your journey. Be sure to get your passports stamped at each exhibit to be eligible to win prizes, such as an air pod, iPad, apple watch, Nintendo switch, one year of unlimited tuition for one student, a season pass for four people to all of our shows, and more!!! We also have Marian and Friends, a ventriloquist, and Jay Stoltzfus, an illusionist, who are performing throughout the afternoon! And you must have a piece of Cavod’s Birthday cake and refreshments! We have a few surprises, too!
We end with a beautiful program of celebration, “Where We’ve Been & Where We Are Going”. We tell the story of Cavod through dance, videos, testimonies, spoken word, ending in worship to our God as we celebrate what He has done and is going to do!
Only God could put this ministry together! My book will also be released on Saturday called “From Barn To Stage”. You can read my journey and how God miraculously birthed this ministry!
I am so grateful for our team of teachers, volunteers, students, and sponsors! The Cavod Community has grown beyond me! It is only God!
This past weekend, we had a beautiful time at Cavod Theatre where Citylight, our teen outreach team performed. Through dance and testimonies, they led us into the presence of Jesus! I love these girls and their beautiful hearts!
Our oldest granddaughter, Aaliyah, is part of the team and she is so precious.
Of course, a few of our grands had to get in the picture along with their friend, Cora. They are so sweet and supportive of each other. Love them all!
Right before the show began, I had a chance to encourage them and pray for them. Just a beautiful sweet group of girls that love Jesus and are ready to do outreaches in schools, a homeless shelter for women and girls, Kitchen Kettle Village, and churches. Just amazing!
Perhaps, some of you are walking through challenging situations that make you feel like you want to give up. I have had a few of those myself this week! Here are a couple of encouraging verses for you today….
And let us not grow weary while doing good,
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Gal. 6:9
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 40:28
But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Prayer: “Lord, we thank you for always being with us through every situation and trial. Help us to surrender and trust you. Fill us with gratitude and hunger for you. You are the only one who can satisfy and bring peace to our souls. We love you, In Jesus Name, amen.”
So get out your map… the Word Of God. Take up your “sword” and slay those giants! Remember… God is there to fight your battles! Have a great week, everyone! I hope to see you Saturday! There will be plenty of coffee!
Much love, |