Actor Biography Submission

Please use the following form to submit your biography for the program. There is a 300 character limit per person.

A biography is a brief explanation of who you are and what you’ve done. Generally, audiences want to know who you are and where they could’ve seen you before. It should be written in the third person. There are three basic elements to a bio: introducing yourself (who you are, where you work, where you went/go to school, etc), past productions, and thank you’s.

Here is an example bio:

Preston is excited to be in the first cast in our new theatre. Recent productions include You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown at Cavod Theatre and Legally Blonde and Guys and Dolls at EPAC. Production Manager of CT and one of the Cavod Acting Program’s instructors, Preston enjoys working with Cavod and the talented team to put on quality shows. He would like to thank his family and friends for their ongoing support and love.


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